Hits: 2644

1. Who are qualified to register as agents?

Any Malaysian aged 18 and above.

2.Is there a membership fee required to qualify as an agent?

There is no membership fee for the time being (Promotional Period). Only need to purchase a product package once in a lifetime.

3.Can the purchased package be upgraded?


4.What if I wished to make a commission withdrawal?

Commissions can be withdrawn every Sunday with the minimum limit of RM 100 and RM 1 must be left inside the account for SMS purposes.

5.What bank can be used to accept commissions?

Only 5 banks are allowed for now which are Maybank, CIMB, RHB, Bank Islam, and Public Bank.

6.How long is the commission payment process into member’s account?

3 – 15 working days.

7.Why is my commission not paid even after a withdrawal is made?

There are multiple possibilities: a) Bank account number is not updated correctly. b) Bank account owner’s name is not the same with the registered member’s name c) Identity card number / passport / Police @ Military ID registered with the company is not the same with the information provided for opening of the bank account. d)Violated the terms and conditions, and the company’s business ethics.

8.Can a different person’s account be used to receive commission?


9.What are the requisites to receive monthly Royalty?

a) Must make personal purchases and activate them at least one box every month without fail. b) Must have a direct sponsor from the first generation and the next, and our own network making personal purchases respectively. However, these personal purchases are not forced.

10.When is the monthly Royalty paid?

Calculations of royalty starts on the 1st-31st of every month and will be paid on the following month between 5th-10th of the following month.

11.What are the privileges of a regular product user and inactive in sponsoring or marketing?

a) Eligible for discounts up to 50% when making return purchases. b) Eligible for Death Fund (Tabung Khairat Kematian). c) 30 RP (Reward Points) for each box purchased and can be collected for redemption of various items. d) Eligible for Member’s Welfare Fund (Tabung Kebajikan Ahli) should there be any casualties.

12.What are other requirements in order to be eligible for the Death Fund (Tabung Khairat Kematian) and member’s Welfare Find (Tabung Kebajikan ahli)?

a) Must be at least 3 months after registration. b) Must make a personal purchase of at least one box every month for 3 months in a row. c) All relevant documents must be complete and emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. not later than 2 MONTHS from the date of death or calamity. Late submissions will not be entertained.

13.Can this business be inherited?

Can only be inherited to DIRECT relations including parents, spouse, sibling, and biological children who have reached of 18 years of age.